Wednesday, February 9, 2011


We, as a family, expected to be able to talk to Ash on the morning she left Argentina, while she waited for her flight to Uruguay. But to our disappointment, the call didn't come. We didn't know why, but we got this response from her today.

Hello family. I'm sorry I didn't get to call. With so many missionsries at the airport it took us forever to get through customs and security. We barely made the flight. I am so sorry, but turns out president knew you would be curious if we made it and said we could email a quick note today.

We arrived at the mission home yesterday morning and met with president and his family and the trainers. We interviewed with him and then got our assignments and trainers. It was a long day. I got my new companion, Hermana Medina, and yes she is a native. Although less than half the missionaries here are latino. She is so very nice and patient and doesn't speak a lick of English. I am already learning so much. We had to travel all day to get to our area, San Jose.... going from bus to bus, taxi to taxi in the rain with all my luggage. We got to our house. We live in very poor circumstances. I am grateful that we have a place to live though. This morning we had district meeting and every week we have to travel by bus to get there. We started contacting today and it doesn't seem there are many investigators. We get to find the new ones. This is my comp's last transfer so I'm trying to make it good for her.

I love you all. I miss you more than you can imagine and I know this church is true.

Love, Ash

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