Friday, February 25, 2011


Things are much better this week and once again I can say I am loving life.

We went to the zoo today, it’s free and hence not very good haha, but today has been the best day. Every P-day we have the opportunity to eat with the Ramon family. I mention them more in my letters, but they are the best members. The dad is Secretary in the ward and the son is Bishop. The mom is a clothing designer in Montevideo which is HUGE! She designs wedding gowns. Irma Alvarez… if you want to check it out. She is Relief Society president and a painter as well. Their son just returned from his mission two weeks ago in Mexico. Their other son is the Bishop and a professional photographer. And so! I get along with them really well haha. Hermano Erick, the dad, is teaching me how to play the guitar haha. He’s amazing. And he’s working on his English, so he practices with me. He also likes English music so today he played us some good Charlotte and other good stuff. I love this family with all my heart. They are the greatest. They make me feel at home and loved while being away from those I truly love.

This week has been a roller coaster… and you know how much I love roller coasters ha. But I hear that the mission is full of them so I better get ready to hang on tight eh? : ) I experienced many great things. Last Tuesday I had the opportunity to teach a lesson to a lady. My comp is very good at teaching, but she is strictly by the book. She teaches lessons, not people and it should be the other way around. We were starting to lose this lady because she doesn’t want to change religions. She mentioned she already had faith and hence didn’t need to change beliefs. I was impressed to ask her about the atonement. It’s a very complicated matter sometimes, the atonement, and thus we don’t usually go into it at the beginning, but I figured she already wasn’t accepting our message so I might as well ask. And it was the spirit telling me to ask. As soon as I asked that, her face drew a blank. She had no idea about the atonement. This was where she was lacking in belief. She said she doubted there was an atonement and such and this one question opened up a very good conversation/lesson. Elder Holland says, more important than talking is listening and so through the spirit I was able to ask A LOT of questions. I didn’t even know how to say these things prior! It was amazing, and through those questions we got her thinking about her baptism and such. I honestly am not sure if she will change. She’s a woman of her ways, but I for sure was strengthened. She left for a minute and my comp turned to me and said, "Is this you Hermana?" I giggled and said, “No... this is the spirit.” It was incredible and we couldn’t stop talking about it the rest of the night. It was great.

Also, like dad said last week, perhaps I will be able to talk about grandpa in my lessons and bear testimony that I will see him again. Man... I talked about nothing else but grandpa this week. I bore testimony almost every lesson we gave, and it was rough to do so. But we had a ward activity this week to visit all the inactive members. Only two ward members showed up. This is why we need to strengthen the ward. For some reason, they assigned us sisters to go to the Elder’s area, which we never do. We knocked on a door and a 14 year old girl answered. Her grandmother had been the member we were looking for and she informed us her grandma passed away just a few months ago. She got teary eyed and I felt her pain and sorrow. She invited us in and a few minutes later her mom showed up.
She wanted to listen too, but wasn’t able to at the time. We informed her that missionaries would be in contact, but it would be the elders. I was sad because I wanted to share my story with her. As we were walking out of the door, I was prompted to tell her about grandpa and so at the very last second, as the member and my comp walked out the door, I turned around and said, "I just want you to know, my grandpa passed away also, but I know through this gospel we can be with our loved ones again. This is the message of our gospel and I know it to be true." I said thank you for your time and they thanked me in return and I bolted. I have no idea what’s going to happen or even what their reaction was, but the elders are going to visit her tomorrow and so I hope it goes well.

We had a baptism this Saturday. And as it was starting, so was grandpa’s funeral. I thought of you all and prayed my heart out for you all to have comfort. I know you received it. Then I was able to focus on this special event. Apparently it counts as my first baptism even though I didn’t find him or teach him. He’s great, Hector is his name. I mention him more in my letter home, but that was very special. The elders in our zone tell me I’m very lucky because they didn’t have a baptism until 6 months or so into their mission. I’m grateful I was able to be reminded why I’m here.

I know this area is one of the most difficult in the mission. At first I thought I was being tested because the work is very difficult here. My comp wouldn’t say so but I could see it through the members and our so-called investigators. An elder came here for transfers and he started talking to me about this area. I said it was hard. He said, “I was here before. This area was my hardest.” And he has been out for a year now. The ward was the most difficult to work with and the baptisms were the slowest. I felt some relief, and then I was enlightened with the thought that... maybe I have something to offer that the area needs. Obviously, the things that the missionaries have been doing aren’t working and to reach places never before reached, you have to do things never before done. I am more excited than ever to be here and bring something new here. I am trying my hardest to use my creative talents to build this place back up. I also think the members don’t feel appreciated for their work here and so they stopped working, but that’s all going to change. I’m determined.

Even though I have blisters on both feet, hundreds of mosquito bites over my entire body (no joke… my comp says I have the chicken pox haha). And the heat and sweat can never be escaped, I am glad to be here. I have a testimony of this gospel and every person who rejects us, actually strengthens my testimony more. Thanks to all of your wonderful words from last week, I am ok. I know that Heavenly Father has a purpose and plan for me, my comp and this area. It’s about to explode : )

I have a testimony of Joseph Smith and I am so grateful for his sacrifice for this gospel. In the J.S. movie he is doing service for a lady in the neighborhood and she comes out and says, "I don’t like your religion Joseph Smith, but I do appreciate your service." He chuckles and says, “That is our religion!" So, I encourage you all to serve someone today. Show someone what this gospel is all about. I love it with all my heart. I’m so grateful for all of your love. I miss you like crazy. Thank you all for your words. I know the lord is protecting you and guiding you with his loving arm, as he is me. Be good ok? : )

Love, Ash

P.S. Go see the Joseph Smith movie right now for FHE. Best movie ever. It will strengthen your testimony so much. I love it.

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