Saturday, May 26, 2012

Great things to Come

Last Monday we went to wish some members a happy birthday and I got to talk to their daughter who lives in Spanish Fork on the phone. It’s so weird! I can’t talk in English when I’m surrounded by Latins. I mix my words up and can’t separate the two languages. It’s strange, but that was fun. Her only birthday request was to hear beautiful voices singing and she asked me and my comp to sing. So we sang happy birthday to her.
We have a couple people with baptismal dates and they went to church yesterday, but we´ll see how things progress. Nothing is set in stone but this week we found a ton of investigators. Let’s hope we can help them all progress.
Since the Gonzalez family was baptized, I keep telling my comp that I won’t be satisfied with single baptisms. I want more families! It was too great of an experience. We had district meeting on Tuesday and it was great. Our leader taught us about paying attention to the small things that the Lord has given us and to look at the small things and take them and move forward with those. Well, that day I was thinking about that. I get the very distinct feeling we should go to this guy’s house named Jorge. He was a reference; he’s awesome but works a lot so we can never get together with him. Well, my comp said exactly that... he’s going to be at work.  I had a feeling so we just have to go look. We pass by and his bike was there, lights on and house open. Wahoo! Let’s go. Well, we can’t teach men alone for our own protection so now we had to hurry and try and find a member before he can get away from us. We run and one member can’t go. So, we go to the lady who gave us the reference who also works a lot and miraculously she isn’t doing anything. So she goes with us and we have an awesome lesson. He is of a different religion, active, listened to the missionaries before, read the Book of Mormon, returned it because he didn’t believe it, but eight months ago he lost his wife. And we nailed him with that. He’s only about 35. He’s been listening to us so much, and praying to find an answer, but he said it hasn’t come yet. We taught the Plan of Salvation and of course... silly member... she has to mention doing work for the dead and he freaks out and asks us what that is. We should leave the dead in peace.... salvation is personal and so on. I begin to explain the temple and the things we can do there. He starts to ask more and more. We are getting really in depth now and he liked what he learned. He started asking if in our eyes he could get married again in this life. Then he asked about how that worked with being sealed to his wife. Oh boy, we left it at that. I told him he has to receive an answer first before I’ll explain that, but he liked it. He hasn’t gone to church ever. It was a good lesson and for some reason I was led to his house that night and everything worked out perfectly. We shall see. After that, we decided to go by this lady’s house really fast even though it was late and we didn’t think she would REALLY listen to us. We go by and her husband/companion (we weren´t sure which) answered the door. We thought he was going to tell us to go away but he says, "pasen chicas." Come in girls. Alright, they were waiting for us. They also had the missionaries over before but never went to church. They believe in God, but aren’t the type that go to church they say. So does everyone else. But we were talking and she says she has a question. She wants to know what happens after this life. Welp, we taught the plan again and involved her six year old son with pictures I have. They loved it. She said she would read the Book of Mormon and pray about it and he did too. Wahoo! Another family! I’m praying for them. Maybe now is there time, ya know? I hope so. Well, after that we go straight home, hurry and plan and go to bed. Next morning I wake up to study and can’t find my Book of Mormon anywhere...  and I’m left with that. We have searched everywhere and all the studying I have done for the last 17 months, all my notes, inspirations, teaching helps and resources, pictures of you guys… it’s all gone. We retraced our footsteps, searched their house, our house. It literally disappeared. I was fasting for that, along with other things... praying all week long... nothing. I’m devastated and sick. I would rather lose my camera first over my Book of Mormon. I can’t even understand my English scriptures anymore. They are so unfamiliar to me. I hate it! Ugh... I’m not losing the faith. I don’t know when I’ll find it or how, but I have to find it. In the meantime, this week hopefully my leaders will give me another one to at least use in lessons and to study but... it’s not the same. And it’s pretty much useless when I have 7 weeks left. Ugh. I know Heavenly Father has a plan for me!
On top of those things... Jessica and Agustin want to name their future daughter after me. Crazy, eh? Also, I have a major rash all over my body because of detergent that we got, it’s been warm weather, dad turned 50, Katherine got married and I get to talk to you all this week on Skype. That was my week.

One more thing, Agustin and Fernando got the priesthood yesterday. It was awesome. They let us come in for the ordinations and it was so great. I love it. It’s the most amazing thing to see these people progress. I love them so much. Everyone was congratulating us afterwards for our good work. We didn’t do anything, just taught them the basics. But it’s amazing to be a part of. I want to be a missionary forever! Never again will I have the same power, authority and blessing to do what I’m doing now and that makes me really sad. But I just gotta enjoy every minute. I love you all so much. Talk to ya next week! Love, Ash

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