Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Christ is the Reason

This week we have seen many miracles and many afflictions. It all started on Wednesday when our dear friends Silvia, Jessica and Agustin had their baptismal interviews. We decided to have Agustin go first so we could call president immediately afterward and coordinate for another interview, if needed. Well, Agustin told the elder he was on probation for the crimes he had committed, but didn’t know how long it lasted. No one was checking up on him anymore so he didn’t know where things stood. Things are very laid back here and no one has any idea about matters pertaining to the law. So we called president and he said, if he’s on probation, or thinks he is on probation, or is not sure of how long it lasts, or whatever... he can’t be baptized. Whoa! We had no idea. I wanted to cry. As we discussed the situation with the elders, as those three waited inside, we didn’t know what we were going to do. While the elder did the other interviews, we decided to take Agustin aside and try to clarify everything. Well, we talked and as he realized he might not be able to be baptized after all the challenges he’s gone through, he became very sad. And so did we. He said he would do whatever he needed to do to figure it out so he ran to the city building to figure out his situation. We didn’t even know if it would be open, considering Sarandi and Guayans close everything early. He ran... and didn’t tell Jessica where he was going. We had to explain the situation and we all sat there in anguish as we waited. The two girls finished up their interviews and we went to fill out their records for the church, still waiting anxiously for Agustin’s return. I have never prayed so hard in my heart. When he came back, he informed us that he was cleared. It has been four years since his last crime and the time for his probation was already up. It was a joyous occasion. It was most certainly a miracle: the first of many for the week. Me and Hermana Lopez
The next day... day of the wedding and baptisms. Chaos is always guaranteed on this day and it was no different. You never really know what to expect. The wedding went without flaw and there were lots of people there to support them. They left with some members and their families. We proceeded with our day, doing all the baptismal stuff without our DOM. We met with the Relief Society pres who was doing the whole after party to celebrate the events of the day and we found out she had had a death in the family. Oh no! That puts another hold on all the activities. It’s okay the show WILL go on. We had to take care of the things she could no longer do. It’s 5:30 and the font is full, of course with cold water, but that’s okay too. We realize we don’t have the room set up, the music for our special hymn isn’t ready and everyone gets there. We start asking people if they will help us and so everyone is running around like crazy and the baptism should be starting. Well, the hermana who was going to give the talk decided she didn’t want to and left it up to us to do. The hermano who was going to be directing the meeting didn’t show up and we find out last minute the guy who Agustin wanted to baptize him wasn’t worthy to do so. Oh boy!

Everyone was hanging out in the hall and so we go tell everyone to change into their white clothes so we can get moving. We went to help Jess and Silvia in the bathroom and Jess tells us Agustin is not okay. We went out to find him and there he is standing in white... looking happy. We asked him if he was okay and his face dropped down and he said, "No, everything is not okay." We pulled him away from the members so we can chat privately and he is so absolutely crushed about the hermano who is no longer worthy to hold the priesthood and perform his baptism. He said his family and friends were now making fun of him and his decision to be baptized. He didn’t think that was how he should feel on his baptismal day. We decided to take him to a room and pray. As we did, a feeling of peace came over all of us and he was ready to go. He remembered the real reason he was getting baptized, but man, Satan didn’t stop: wouldn’t let up for a second.

The baptismal service went on and all three of them were baptized. It was a beautiful site! Agustin and Silvia got up to bear their testimonies afterwards and it was awesome. The spirit was strong and they knew they had made the right decision. Afterwards, we had the party to celebrate. The pictures don’t do it justice. There were a lot of people there and it was good. A triple baptism of Silvia, Jessica and Augustin!!
General Conference was fantastic! We had the miracle of watching half of it in English and, of course, the stuff in Spanish I completely understood. I loved the three Seventies’ talks all in a row on Sunday afternoon session. But it felt like everything was addressed to me and my situation. It’s awesome how we can all say that, huh?

Welp, we got change calls last night and Hermana Lopez is leaving after this week. I am a little sad to see her go. The people, mostly our converts, will miss her a lot. Just goes to testify there really are specific people waiting for us because the hermana who is coming here now, couldn’t have gotten to the people Hermana Lopez and I did. My new comp is Hermana Uretta. She’s Latin, but I don’t think I’ll finish with her. We shall see. So pretty much I’ll spend all week traveling to do changes.

I just wanted to share one last thing with you. The mission: obedience is the price, faith is the power, love is the motive, the spirit is the key and Christ is the reason. This is the Lord’s work and he will continue to direct it. I love you all. I love the gospel and I love my Savior. Thanks for all you do... until next week. Love, Ash

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