Saturday, March 20, 2010

The OTHER Gender

i was at walmart tonight, ya know jsut doing my last minute surprise birthday party/game night shopping. ya know... like i do every saturday night, when i pass this teenage boy. yes, i do this quite frequently but the large amount of items in his arms caught my attention. this is what i saw...

vault (a large case of vault, not just one can of it)
ding dongs... once again. a large package of them
and last but not least, easy mac.

what the TYPICAL teenage boy diet. i just think thats funny. i dont know about you. but...I JUST THINK THATS FUNNY I SAY. anywho... you would never see a girl carrying those 3 items.

1 comment:

Shaquel Farr said...

i might be the one girl you would see carrying these three items. but something instead of vault since idk what that is haha. but other than that. its me.