Saturday, November 14, 2009

I Am My Papacita

I is my daddy. its freaky.

so i discovered a few things about myself over this last weekend. 1. i did indeed come from my daddy and was not a spawn of the mailman as he always told me and 2. because of discovery number 1 i learned a bit about myself.

subject A. i talk an absurdly ridiculous amount with my hands. THAT came from my dad.

subject B. i have some sort of strange obsession with music. granted everyone loves music, but it is entirely different for me i can assure you. music has such a phenomenal way of displaying feelings not explained. that is the summary of me, not being able to explain how i feel. its complicated. THAT came from my dad

subject C. i have probably the scariest most dramatic dreams ever known to a human girl. haha, its messed up. until this weekend i forgot my dad also has entirely too vivid movies running through his head at night. he only dreams about being killed, or killing, in one way or another. freaky! THAT came from my dad

subject D. and last but not least. i got a compliment on my smile and remembered how lucky i was to have, not a gorgeous one, but a pretty decent smile. i have nothing to complain about i guess. if you've seen my dad, you probably know that we have the exact same mouth. also freaky. and rare...unless you have an extremely prominant characteristic, which i do not. anywho. THAT, my dears came from my dad.

along with a few other things i wont mention. (my flat feet, oily skin, stubbornness, independancy, fast legs, smarts, and perfectionism)

so thank you dad for making me who i am... : ) i do truly appreciate it

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