Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Its Good To Have Connections : )

Alright. Everyone loves Channing Tatum. This is not an unknown fact. Everyone loves Nicolas Sparks. Everyone loves movies. Ok good, just making sure we were all on the same page.

So what better than to have a movie... with channing tatum... about a nicolas sparks story. WOW Good thing i know the people i do, BECAUSE... i just found out that he will star in a new movie, in a nicolas sparks story. AH! isnt this great news? Its like, chocolate and peanut butter, black eyed peas and jack johnson. you cant get any better than that. i repeat. you cannot.

So i am here to pass it on to all of you... FEBRUARY 5TH. be on the lookout. save the date, mark your calendars. Its gonna be good.

Only problem now is this... Amanda seyfried?


Young Family said...

Whats Feb 5th

Young Family said...


Micaela said...

you don't like amanda seyfried?

Ashley said...

i guess shes alright. shes just not as good as some others.