Saturday, October 31, 2009

A Daily Masquerade

Halloween is in the air. Ghosts and goblins and ghouls, OH MY! Haha, so i went to this party last night. Of course you werent allowed to wear masks. What is that all about? Its led me to think of bigger,better, and more significant things. Why ARENT we allowed to wear masks to parties, schools, work? Cause you could be some creeper lurking under phantom of the opera or batman? Maybe its about being something we're not. Which brings on a whole new series of questions. Then on facebook i just happened to discover a quiz, called which mask are you? My result turned out to be quite freakily the actual truth. Heres what it said...

"Your mask is purity. You are always trying to be true to yourself. You dont care what others think is right or wrong, you always use your own judgement to decide. You often ignore the millions of rules people are trying to place on the way you should live your life, because you know they are meaningless and that you are a good person. Your intentions are usually pure, whether its wanting to do something nice fro someone or just take some time for yourself. You understand that pure isnt perfect. You get angry, jealous, mean, sometimes stubborn, but you are who you are and your mask isnt trying to hide it. Its just helping you get by the life you love and enjoy."

In reality we all have on a mask. Are we trying to be something other than ourselves. I can truly say for myself, I am not. And its a relief too, because for the longest time, I tried lying to myself. I tried to impress everyone and be "cool" haha. Life was too hard back then. Live the life you want, its so much easier. "Dont be afraid of death. Be afraid of the unlived life." - Tuck Everlasting.

Anyway, theres some food for thought for you all.

Happy Halloween : )

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Alright Already

So I have been getting bugged by several people to post some of my photographyness. These are my most recent endeavors.

I did some engagements and as we were cruisin the streets of Provo Center, this is what was found. Hope you all enjoy. Dont worry, there will be more to come.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Its Good To Have Connections : )

Alright. Everyone loves Channing Tatum. This is not an unknown fact. Everyone loves Nicolas Sparks. Everyone loves movies. Ok good, just making sure we were all on the same page.

So what better than to have a movie... with channing tatum... about a nicolas sparks story. WOW Good thing i know the people i do, BECAUSE... i just found out that he will star in a new movie, in a nicolas sparks story. AH! isnt this great news? Its like, chocolate and peanut butter, black eyed peas and jack johnson. you cant get any better than that. i repeat. you cannot.

So i am here to pass it on to all of you... FEBRUARY 5TH. be on the lookout. save the date, mark your calendars. Its gonna be good.

Only problem now is this... Amanda seyfried?

Monday, October 26, 2009

My life as a blog.

So, seeming as how we've been commanded to keep a journal and all... eh. who am i kidding. I am so not into journals. Once upon a time i was, but no longer. I believe I was 12 or something.
I have decided to get in touch with my inner self and sit down and actually reinvent my blog. Its been an up and coming process, but I will be posting my life happenings and also my photo shoots as I strive to intrigue some eyeballs and get my name out there. It'll be fun. So here is my tribute to the world.

World... here is me.